Saturday, August 27, 2016

Non recursive file searching in Nautilus

Recursive search is the default in nautilus (search in subfolders), but I prefer type ahead search(only search in current folder).

This is easy to change, but not very obvious. In dconf-editor navigate to org > gnome > nautilus > preferences and set the enable-interactive-search value to what you'd like to use.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Revert google+ to a standard blogger profile on blogger

It turns out google has removed it from various links, so I don't know how long this link will last, but here it goes:

 Pretty simple but it took far too long to find it.

Folders before files in ubuntu

I like to view folders before my files with Files/Nautilus, and here is how to enable it:

In dconf-editor navigate to: org.gnome.nautilus.preferences key and set  sort-directories-first to true.

Windows 10 wakes up from sleep at random

After upgrading to Windows 10, my computer started randomly waking up. This extensive guide on superuser has proven time and time again to be a perfect guide to keep windows from waking up.

First post - improving the internet

This blog is me talking about my stuff, what I do and from time to time, in order to improve the state of the internet and promote better content and google hits for other people, I will also post solutions to various other problems I've found.
